Saturday morning my mom went out and watched a few of the combination for me reporting back how it all seemed to ride. There had been quite a few problems all ready and no one had made time. I talked to Phillip who said he had to ride tough and if he feels he has to ride tough then it is tough. Chloe had her normal warm up which is usually a little spastic. It used to get me nervous but now I trust that she settles on course. The rain had subsided but it did leave the course a bit flooded. This meant I had to be smart on where to gallop not only to avoid bad footing but to conserve her energy. I walked to the box and felt quit calm feeling this made me nervous, I like my butterflys in the stomach. This makes me ride better. Once the countdown began my butterfly friends showed up and I had never felt so eager to attack a course. We were on our first minute and the one thing that really stood out to me was how Chloe was not over jumping. This was good, this meant she was feeling confident and this would also conserve her some energy. The next thing I noticed where the huge crowds. People were surrounding every jump and cheering loudly. Whistles blew as I came up to each jump. It felt like I was at Rolex! This made me want to ride that much better, it made me want to show these people what Chloe was made of! She attacked everything with such a sense of experience. We went straight everywhere and she was handling the crowds well. I missed at the corner complex and added an extra stride and she jumped out of a spot that only she could do, I was no longer sitting on a green horse. She looked for all the jumps and really was not fazed by the footing. We came through adding twenty time.As I was coming to the last fence I saw my dad running to the finish flags as he has done since I was going novice, I wanted to cry I was so happy. Chloe had lost a shoe on course and I was thankful to have my vet, Stephanie Davis in the box with me. She recovered well and went back to the barn to devour a few bags of carrots. It was all so surreal. Some of the best riders in the country were having problems on this course and Chloe had made it seem like child play. Derek Di Grazia did an unbelievable job designing the course. She passed the jog the next morning with flying colors. We warmed up for show jumping only jumping a few jumps. She felt good and I did not want to make her tired. She went in and show jumped a beautiful clear round. I had done it, I had completed my first CCI 3 star. Not only had I completed it, I had done it on a horse that I had started all on my own. The emotions were running wild and anyone who knows me knows I am a crier. I was getting praises left and right and the only thing I could think was how I hope my horse knows how amazing she is. She is one of those "once in a lifetime" horses and she deserves the praise, I hope bags of carrots will suffice.
We won the Markham Young Trophy for being the highest placed young rider in the division. It was such an honor being in the same awards ceramony with the likes of Boyd, Phillip, Allison, Karen O'Connor. It was something I could have dreamed up.
Chloe is home now in her huge grass paddock enjoying a very, very well deserved vacation. She is getting hairy, fat and a bit bossy.She deserves nothing less!
The show could not have been possible with out my wonderful parents. Having them there was so fantastic, being able to share that weekend with them was a such a treat. My dad is still to this day the best groom I know, my mom is the best trainer I know but most important they are the best parents I know. Allison is amazing and I cant thank her enough. She cares just as much as I do about my riding and I cant really ask for more in a coach. My boyfriend drove up for all three days and not only was an awesome fan he helped in the barn and supported me more then I could ask for, not to mention he dealt with all my pre Fair Hill emotions and nerves like a champ. I think I would have slept in Chloes stall with her if I could have not to mention she would be wrapped in bubble wrap. He reminded me she is a horse and if she trots around in her paddock ITS OKAY. Allion's groom and my best friend Grace, I cant thank you enough either. You keep me sane when this sport makes me feel crazy. Colin, your help was very appreciated! My wonderful vets, Dr Chad and Stephanie Davis. You guys are seriously awesome. You answer my million texts and care about Chloe almost as much as me. My sister is one of my biggest fans and I wish she could have been there. Also my west coast family, your support is unreal. Your texts, messages and phone calls remind me how awesome and supportive this sport is. Revita vet and APF thank you for your amazing products! Also, thanks to Fair Hill and all your volunteers who made the event so wonderful! I could not do it with out all of you!!
For now Chloe is enjoying some down time. We are hoping to be named to the developing riders list and making plans for our spring season. A three star in the spring is as far as my planning has gone. I will keep you all posted. For now thanks for reading and experiencing this season with me! I will be back soon with an overview of our first season on the east coast!
On a side note Buckleigh was featured in the Chronicle of the horse. I will try and find a picture to post! ---- A link to our pictures. You can see where I added a stride to a narrow corner and she just jumps bigger ---A link to view the course map. You can view each jump. ---youtube link where you can watch some of the CCI 3star cross country, there is a clip of chloe and I as well.
Kelly, Chloe and Buckleigh